In summary, here are some key notes:
- Home values appreciated an average of 26.5% from 1980 to 2000. From 2000 to 2006 prices appreciated an average of 89%! So the point is we in a time of "correction" adjusting towards a more stable market for a healthier future.
- A normal market has 5 to 6 months of inventory. You can determine the inventory supply in your neighborhood by dividing the number of homes for sale in your price point by the number of homes sold per month. I would use the last six months as a fair guideline.
- I also love the point about when to buy in the business cycle. The market was crazy during the "Euphoria "cycle. The idea then was buy it before someone else did. I fell victim to that fear myself. The lowest risk time to buy is between the cycle of "Despondency" and Despair" and I think it is fair to say we're there :).
I don't think anyone anymore questions whether or not this is a good time to buy. My clients today realize they are looking at really cheap money, great pricing, and fantastic selection. They may still be "waiting for the bottom" but none of us know when the bottom will hit until it passes us by.